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شركة تركية أمريكية متخصصة في زراعة وتصدير التفاح الطازج عالي الجودة من قونية ، تركيا. نحن مزرعة مباشرة لتجار الجملة في جميع أنحاء العالم


International Agricultural


Competitive Prices

Our prices are competitive because the company owns its own farms


Delivery Speed

We deliver our products with high quality and speed

Artboard 1 e1689692242721Apple types

Our Apple Varieties

Untitlewd 1

Fuji apple

productsquare_scarlet spur_20150929230255

Scarlett apple

Untiwwtled 1

Classic apple

plantnet rootstock apple Dorset Golden

Golden apple

Granny_Smith_Apple_FGT_600x600_0918b8a6 6c17 443b 892e b25a2f877f05_grande

Smit granite apple


RED delicious

Artboard 1 e1689692242721export stages

From Origin To Destination

process_1_1 e1689770236246

Submission of the application

process_1_4 e1689770301801

Order processing

process_1_3 e1689770290861

Send the order for the shipping

process_1_2 e1689770310358

Receive the order

line 3
Carton boxes 5 kg
Carton boxes 10 kg
Carton boxes 18 kg

Apple Types

There are more than 7,500 varieties of apples worldwide, and thousands of variations in size, color, shape, and taste. Think of the difference between two apples, and you'll start to realize just how much of a difference it can be! But all of these differences have one thing in common – the need for a consistent standard when it comes to quality control.

The quality of apples can change dramatically from the point they are harvested from the trees in the orchard, to the time they reach supermarket shelves. Adding a consistent, foolproof way to measure quality control at key points in the supply chain is a clear win for everyone, and helps prevent and reduce lengthy price renegotiations or waste that could have been avoided.

Apple Quality

Although apples seem like a hardy fruit, they actually require more pesticides than any other fruit, and certain varieties can be difficult to grow organically. This is because apple seeds do not naturally develop in the same way as the fruit from which they came. This is why the seeds of a green apple can grow into a red apple tree, for example. In order to maintain a particular crop, farmers need to cut a branch from the original tree and clone it by growing the same branch!

Artboard 1 e1689692242721Our farms

Pictures Of Our Farms

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